Monday 25 November 2019


                      Ready for the quiz?


Do you know?

1.       Earth day is on 22 nd, but what month?

2.       How can we celebrate Earth Day? Give two examples.
a.        ………………………………………………………
b.       ………………………………………………………

3.       Who started the teenagers’ climate strike?
a.        Greta Thunberg
b.       Karla Thomas
c.        Gina Walberg

4.       In what country did she start the climate strike, what day of the week and what place?
a.        Country:…………………………………………………
b.       Day of the week:………………………………………..
c.        Place:……………………………………………………

5.       What is acid rain? Give short answer

6.       Rubbish containers for recycling have different colours.  Match  the colour with waste.
Blue: ……………………………………………………………..
Colourless glass, coloured glass, plastic and aluminium, paper, mixed-bio

7.       How can planting trees help our planet? Choose two. Underline.
-          trees have the ability to suck up carbon dioxide
-          one of the most important gifts we can give back to the planet and to ourselves
-          greenhouse gases are kept  in our atmosphere 

8.       Why being vegetarian or vegan is good for our planet?
a.        raising beef and the pesticides used are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions
b.       being an animal lover
c.        having more place for growing up plants

9.       By 2040 how many  more countries will experience water shortage? Circe the answer.

10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,

10.    What can  industrial waste contain?
a.        Factory waste ,
b.       Domestic waste
c.     Radioactive waste

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                                                    Welcome again!                  This school year we are going to focus on Art.    We wil...